Cork will demonstrate the performance of the thermal energy storage solution in the Atlantic climate, completing its deployment across Europe
This month marked a milestone for MiniStor. Not just a technical, but a symbolic one: the fifth and last experimental unit was delivered to Cork City Council, in Ireland, to serve as a demonstration site for its portfolio of social housing units. The project is about to complete its deployment across the main climate types in Europe, providing heating and cooling in diverse weather conditions and home configurations.
As with previous demonstrators, Cork City Council will work closely with Psyctotherm and ENDEF to commission the unit and start operations in the coming weeks, after erecting the solar frames next to the unit container and completing the connections to the building. A testament to the modularity and the refinement of the solutions it integrates, the fifth prototype moves MiniStor technologies ever closer to widespread adoption, leveraging the availability of renewable energy sources in a high-efficiency, high-performance thermal storage for the European households.
Spanning four countries, the five demonstration sites are located in North-West Europe (Ireland), Western Europe (Spain), Southern Europe (Greece) and Central Europe (Hungary). These pilot sites represent diverse residential usage, having various climatic conditions, thermal load needs, energy realities, expectations and regulations. Cork City Council, in particular, manages over 9.000 social houses, and MiniStor is part of a three-stage approach to to improve and certificate their energy efficiency, combining new and already existing sources of energy. More information on the 5 demonstrators is available here.